
Organizer |
Dr. Wook Jo (Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Germany) |
Co-Organizer |
Dr. Jae-Ho Jeon (Korea Institute of Materials
Science, Korea)
Prof. Jing Feng Li (Tsinghua University, China) |
Description |
We intend to introduce a symposium that allows all the participants to enjoy sharing up-to-dated research achievements in the field of piezoceramics with respect to fundamentals and applications. The ultimate goal of the symposium is to attempt to seek the future research directions inspired by insightful and experienced as well as fresh and creative ideas from all the generations.
- New dielectric, ferroelectric, and piezoelectric materials, single crystals
- Understanding of ferroelectricity, piezoelectricity, field-induced strain and relaxor behaviors |
Speakers |
Prof. Pam A. Thomas (University of Warwick,
United Kingdom)
Dr. Hans Kungl (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Prof. Xiaoli Tan (Iowa State University, USA)
Prof. Bo-Ping Zhang (University of Science and Technology Beijing, China)
Prof. Ke Wang (Tsinghua University, China)
Prof. Hajime Nagata (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
Dr. Torsten Granzow (Centre de Recherche Public-Gabriel Lippmann,
Dr. Haibo Zhang (TechnischeUniversitat Darmstadt, Germany)
Prof. Satoshi Wada (University of Yamanashi, Japan) |
Organizer |
Dr. Chong-Yun Kang (Korea Institute of Science
and Technology, Korea) |
Co-Organizer |
Dr. Jungho Ryu (Korea Institute of Materials Science,
Prof. Takeshi Morita (The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan) |
Description |
This session is designed for Ferroelectric, Piezoelectric, and Dielectric scientists, engineers, researchers and manufacturers, delivering the opportunity to share knowledge and state-of-the-art advancements in technology.
The scope of the session includes Ferroelectric, Piezoelectric, and Dielectric materials and devices processing including fabrication of thin films, thick films, nano-structures, MEMS processing and so on. Also, the session is aimed at bringing their related innovative devices including microwave devices, ultrasonic transducers, sensors, actuators, energy harvesters and so on. |
Speakers |
Prof. Kenji Uchino (Penn State Univ., USA)
Dr. Jun Akedo (AIST, Japan)
Prof. A. Dogan (Anadolu Univ., Turkey)
Prof. Takeshi Morita (The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
Prof. Rattikorn Yimnirun (Suranaree University of Technology,
Prof. Dionizy E. Czekaj (Silesia University, Poland)
Prof. Hongsoo Choi (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and
Technology, Korea)
Dr. Ashok Kumar (National Physical Laboratory, India)
Prof. Jasbir S. Hundal (GianiZail Singh Punjab Technical University
Campus, India)
Prof. Norifumi Fujimura (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Organizer |
Dr. Eun Dong Kim (Korea Electrotechnology Research
Institute, Korea) |
Co-Organizer |
Prof. Aldo Di Carlo (Univ. of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy)
Prof. Nosang V. Myung (Univ. of California at Riverside, USA)
Dr. Geon-Woong Lee (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute,
Korea) |
Description |
This symposium aims to explore recent advances in various nanostructured materials and their applications to green energy devices such as highly efficient photonic and optoelectronic devices, green display devices, energy conversion devices, and environment-friendly power conversion devices like advanced power semiconductor devices. Furthermore, the design and fabrication technologies of the devices which play a crucial role in highly efficient energy conversion of low carbon footprint will be emphasized. |
Speakers |
Prof. Aldo Di Carlo (Univ. of Rome “Tor Vergata”,
Prof. Mara Bruzzi (Univ. of Firenze, Italy)
Prof. Francesca Brunetti (Univ. of Rome “Tor Vergata”,
Dr. Chong Min Koo (Korea Institute of Science and Technology,
Prof. N. S. Myung (Univ. of California at Riverside, USA)
Organizer |
Prof. Ja-Soon Jang (LIFTRC & Yeungnam University, Korea) |
Co-Organizer |
Prof. Jong-Kyu Kim (Pohang University of Science
and Technology, Korea)
Dr. Jong-Hyeob Baek (Korea Photonics Technology Institute,
Prof. Tohru Honda (Kogakuin University, Japan)
Prof. Chih-Chung Yang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Dr. Jaehee Cho (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA) |
Description |
The symposium, “Advanced LED and Lighting Technology” covers all the fields of light-emitting diodes and the solid-state lightings, which are regarded as an emerging technology. The representative topics are listed below:
1. Growth of III-Nitrides and the characterizations 2. Novel ways to enhance the internal quantum and light-extraction efficiency
3. Flexible LEDs
4. Ohmic & Schottky contacts for high-performance LEDs
5. Device reliability and ESD/EOS
6. Red and Green LEDs and the related materials
7. Phosphors and the white LED technologies
8. Advanced packaging materials and the processing technologies
9. General solid-state lighting technologies
10. Visible light-communication technologies
11. Advanced lighting control and the power saving technologies
Eco-friendly and human attractive lighting technologies |
Speakers |
Prof. E. Schubert (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Prof. Max Migliorato (University of Manchester, UK)
Prof. Xiaobing Luo (Huazhong Univ. of Sci. &Tec., China)
Prof. Anthoni H.W. Choi (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Dr. Masatomo Sumiya (National Institute for Materials Science,
Prof. Shigefusa F. Chichibu(Tohoku University, Japan)
Prof. Tomohiro Yamaguchi (Kogakuin University, Japan)
Dr. Meeryoung Cho (Korea Institute of Lighting Technology,
Dr. Heui Chun An (National Fisheries Research & Development
Institute, Korea) |
Organizer |
Prof. Soon-Gil Yoon (Chungnam National University, Korea) |
Co-Organizer |
Prof. Sang-Im Yoo (Seoul National University, Korea) |
Description |
Recently, because all of electronic components were miniaturized, thin film technology should be developed and thin films for new applications have been interested. Divisions of Thin Film Processing and Devices will cover all of fields for thin film technology of materials. The session of Thin film processing and devices also includes the special parts of the Electrospinning, Gas barrier film, Plasma engineering for nano materials, and Superconductor thin films. |
Speakers |
Prof. Shyama Rath (University of Delhi, India)
Prof. Alexey Y. Kovalgin (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Prof. Migaku Takahashi (Tohoku University, Japan)
Prof. Soon-Gil Yoon (Chungnam National University, Korea)
Prof. Sang-Im Yoo (Seoul National University, Korea)
Prof. Soonku Hong (Chungnam National University, Korea) |
Organizer |
Dr. ByoungGon Yu (Electronics and Telecommunications
Research Institute, Korea) |
Co-Organizer |
Prof. Yong-Young Noh (Dongguk University, Korea)
Prof. Taishi Takenobu (Waseda University, Japan)
Dr. Jae-Bon Koo (Electronics and Telecommunications Research
Institute, Korea) |
Description |
This symposium aims to cover all aspects of flexible and printed electronics including materials, device physics, and manufacturing process. The symposium topics will include the following areas. All aspects of (1) printed organic and oxide thin film transistors (OTFTs and Oxide TFTs) and related topics, (2) printed organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), OLED lighting and related topics, (3) flexible electronics and displays and related topics, (4) printed organic photovoltaic cell (OPVs) and related topics, (5) material and manufacturing process technologies, and device physics in flexible and printed electronic devices. |
Speakers |
Dr. Mario Caironi (Italian Institute of Technology,
Prof. Taishi Takenobu (Waseda University, Japan)
Prof. Jun Takeya (Osaka University, Japan)
Prof. Jang-Joo Kim (Seoul National University)
Prof. Kyung Chul Choi (KAIST, Korea)
Prof. Jana Zaumseil (Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg,
Prof. Seunghyup Yoo (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Korea)
Dr. Doo-Hee Cho (Electronics and Telecommunications Research
Institute, Korea)
Prof. Maria AntoniettaLoi (Universiteit Groningen, The Netherlands)
Organizer |
Prof. Sang Yeol Lee (Cheongju University, Korea) |
Co-Organizer |
Prof. George Kiriakidis (Univ. of Crete and FORTH,
Prof. Jun Seop Kwak (Suncheon National University, Korea) |
Description |
There has been an explosive growth of interest in both fundamental research and device applications based on Transparent Oxide Semiconductorls (TOSs) over the past few years. This fascinating class of wide band-gap materials has been attracted a variety of advanced applications in the fields of, among others, liquid crystal and high definition displays, transparent conducting oxides for solar cells, gas sensors, nanoelectronics, oxides and other materials convergence devices, electrochromic, thermochromic and smart windows, in architectural coatings as well as in organic light-emitting diodes, in which they are regarded as the main candidates for the forthcoming “post-Si” electronics era. Driven by the worldwide research activities that range from fundamental physics to materials fabrication and TOS-based device development, the “Oxide Semiconductors” have been decided on the organization of the follow-up ICAE 2013. |
Speakers |
Prof. John F. Wager (Oregon State University, USA)
Prof. Toshio Kamiya (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Prof. George Kiriakidis (Univ. of Crete and FORTH, Greece)
Prof. Sang Yeol Lee (Cheongju University, Korea)
Prof. Sang-Woo Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Prof. Chulhong Park (Pusan National University, Korea)
Prof. Sungkyu Park (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
Prof. Jaekyoung Jeong (Inha University, Korea)
Prof. Kee Joo Chang (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Korea)
Dr. Myungkwan Ryu (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology,
Korea) |
Organizer |
Prof. Kyu-Hwan Shim (Chonbuk National University, Korea) |
Co-Organizer |
Dr. Jin Ho Lee (Electronics and Telecommunications
Research Institute, Korea)
Dr. Nam-Kyun Kim (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute,
Prof. Kevin J. Chen (Hong Kong University, Hong Kong) |
Description |
High-Voltage Materials and Devices, Power-MOS(LDMOS, TDMOS, SJ-MOS), Power-BJT(IGBT, HBT), Power-HFET(MODFET, HEMT), Power Diode(TVS, SCR, Thyristor, FRD, SBD), Materials(Si/SiGe, GaN, SiC), Advanced Process Technology (Epitaxy, Thin Film Growth), Advanced Applications(Automotive, LED, Solar Plant, Wind Plant, IT) |
Speakers |
Dr. Jae Kyoung Mun (Electronics and Telecommunications
Research Institute, Korea)
Prof. Kevin J. Chen (Hong Kong University, Hong Kong)
Prof. Jung-Hee Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
Dr. Cheol-Koo Hahn (Korea Electronics Technology Institute,
Korea) |
Organizer |
Dr. Sang Il Seok (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Korea) |
Co-Organizer |
Prof. Kyungkon Kim (Ewha Womans University, Korea)
Prof. Jaehyeong Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Dr. Sohee Jeong (Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials,
Korea) |
Description |
This symposium focuses on the advanced photovoltaic
materials and devices including following subcategories:
1) New Conceptual Approaches for Photovoltaic Phenomena
2) Advanced Electromaterials for Organic Photovoltaic Devices
3) Advanced Electromaterials for Inorganic Photovoltaic Devices
4) New Device Architectures for Photovoltaic Devices
5) Advanced Characterization Results for Photovoltaic Devices |
Speakers |
Dr. Victor I. Klimov (Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Dr. Min Jae Ko (Korea Institute of Science and Technology,
Prof. Nam-Gyu Park (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Prof. Jung-Yong Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Korea)
Prof. Bumjoon Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Korea)
Prof. Junsin Yi (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Prof. Jong-Soo Lee (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and
Technology, Korea)
Dr. Jeffrey M. Pietryga (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
Organizer |
Dr. Tae-Hoon Lim (Korea Institute of Science and
Technology, Korea) |
Co-Organizer |
Prof. Soo-Kil Kim (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
Dr. Jong Hyun Jang (Korea Institute of Science and Technology,
Korea) |
Description |
The aim of this symposium is to establish an information platform in the science and technology related to advanced materials for Fuel Cells. The symposium will cover issues relevant to materials for fuel cell components to improve performance and durability as well as to reduce cost of the devices. The symposium topics include the following fields: (1) Catalyst and support materials for low/high temperature fuel cells, (2) Catalysts for hydrogen production, (3) Polymer electrolyte membranes, (4) Ceramic and molten salt electrolytes, (5) Materials for gas diffusion and separator/bipolar plate. Other topics relevant to fuel cell materials are also welcome. |
Speakers |
Dr. Yongman Choi (SABIC Technology Center (Saudi Arabia) & Brookhaven National Lab, USA)
Prof. Su Ha (Washington State University, USA)
Prof. Nigel Mark Sammes (Pohang University of Science and
Technology, Korea)
Dr. Hans Aage Hjuler (Danish Power Systems, Denmark)
Dr. Jens Oluf Jensen (Danish Technical University, Denmark)
Dr. Jong Hyun Jang (Korea Institute of Science and Technology,
Prof. Yong Tae Kim (Pusan National University, Korea)
Prof. Byungchan Han (DaeguGyeongbuk Institute of Science and
Technology, Korea) |
Organizer |
Prof. Do Kyung Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology, Korea) |
Co-Organizer |
Prof. Hyunjung Shin (Sungkyunkwan University,
Korea) |
Description |
The significant demand of world energy consumption with clean and efficient energy resources has promoted the searches of new materials and technologies. This symposium will focus on the advanced materials and technologies that could help the community to achieve the clean energy storage. Materials design, electrodes architecture, and cell chemistry are key factors to extend the life, enhance the safety, and lower the cost of rechargeable batteries, which are the most efficient energy storage systems for portable electronics, renewable energy storage, smart grid, and transportation applications. A deeper understanding of the battery materials/property relationship and electrode/electrolyte interface phenomena is critical issue for the highly efficient batteries. The search for advanced high capacity electrode materials and the implementation of the challenging metal-air batteries and non-lithium batteries will be necessary for the next generation energy storage system. |
Speakers |
Prof. Riccardo Ruffo (University of Milan, Bicocca,
Prof. Kisuk Kang (Seoul National University, Korea)
Prof. Do Kyung Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology (KAIST), Korea)
Dr. Sungwoo Yang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
USA) |
Organizer |
Dr. Hoon-Kyu Shin (Pohang University of Science
and Technology, Korea) |
Co-Organizer |
Prof. Takaaki Manaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Prof. Sang Jeen Hong (Myongji University, Korea)
Prof. Sang Heon Lee (Sunmoon University, Korea) |
Description |
The primary objective of the “Application Technology for Advanced Electromaterials and Devices” is to provide a symposium for discussion on all the aspects of application technology for advanced electromaterials and devices and related areas. This symposium wants to promote interdisciplinary collaborations among the fields of chemistry, physics, materials science, polymer science, semiconductor technology, optics and photonics, NEMS technology, life science, measurement and analysis, superconducting and magnetic materials and composite devices, application technology for materials and devices and others, thereby creating more effective networking among the scientists working in these fields. In particular, this year’s symposium focuses on Application Technology, and its themes are the following (but are not limited to):
1. Application Technology for Advanced Materials
2. Application Technology for Electro-physical, Electro-chemical and Electro-optical
3. Advanced Materials for Organic Devices, Photonic Devices, Nano-Bio Devices and Soft Devices
4. Advanced Materials for NEMS, Sensors, Advanced Display
5. Graphene, CNT, Carbon Materials
6. Nano-scale Devices and Advanced Materials
7. Measurement and Analysis for Advanced Materials
8. Application Technology and Advanced Materials for Semiconductor
9. Superconducting and Magnetic Materials and Composite Devices |
Speakers |
Prof. Takaaki Manaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Prof. Sang Jeen Hong (Myongji University, Korea)
Prof. Goo-Hwan Jeong (Kangwon National University, Korea)
Prof. Tae-Woo Lee (Pohang University of Science and Technology,
Prof. Guan-Jun Zhang (Xi'an JiaotongUniverisity, China) |
Organizer |
Prof. Ill Won Kim (University of Ulsan, Korea) |
Co-Organizer |
Prof. Kee Hoon Kim (Seoul National University, Korea)
Prof. Di Wu (Nanjing University, China)
Prof. Shuxiang Dong (Peking University, China) |
Description |
Multiferroics represent an interesting and potentially very important class of materials with coexisting ferroelectric/ferroelastic and magnetic order. The coupling between their order parameters offers the unique opportunity to manipulate the magnetic state through the application of electric fields and tune ferroelectricity by a magnetic field.
Increasing theoretical and experimental effort aims at unraveling the mechanism responsible for the extraordinary effect of mutliferroicity and the discovery of novel materials with improved functionality. Multiferroic structures in bulk form are actively being explored for high-sensitivity field sensors and electrically tunable microwave devices and oscillators. Thin film forms can be also useful for magnetoelectronic devices including low dimensional spintronic devices with electric field tunable functions.
In this symposium, we will discuss in depth the progresses in South Korea and China for the applications and physics understandings of the emergent multiferroic bulk materials as well as multiferroic composite/film stuructures. In particular, as the major two countries of manufacturing worldwide electronic devices, we will observe recent frontiers and discuss future directions for launching practical devices in the industries of South Korea and China. |
Speakers |
Prof. Shuxiang Dong (Peking University, China)
Prof. Ce-Wen Nan (Tsinghua University, China)
Prof. Jing-Feng Li (Tsinghua University, China)
Prof. Huiqing Fan (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China)
Prof. Xiaohui Wang (Tsinghua University, China)
Prof. Xuefeng Sun (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
Prof. Anquan Jiang (Fudan University, China)
Dr. Jungho Ryu (KIMS, Korea)
Prof. Chan-Ho Yang (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Korea)
Prof. Jaichan Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) |