Keynote Speakers
Invited Speakers
Events & Awards
Presentation Guideline
“ICAE 2013 Events” will be spent on branded promotional gifts at the conference.
If you do want to keep your event attendees, these iPad miniand 1TB(terabyte) are sure to make a good luck.
1. Event 1 of “ICAE 2013” offer the iPad mini
2.Event 2 of “ICAE 2013” offer 1TB(terabyte) an external hard disk
“ICAE 2013 Awards” will be given to outstanding papers presented at the conference
1. ICAE 2013 Conference Award: Given for outstanding contribution to the field of Advanced Electromaterials among papers presented at the conference
2. ICAE 2013 Young Scientist Award: Given for outstanding papers authored by young researchers and presented at the conference