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Submisison of Abstracts
Submission of Manuscript
Payment of Publication Fee
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After publication is confirmed through evaluations process, publication fees are billed. If publication fees are not paid within a set period, no publication is carried out. Authors are advised to pay the publication fee by on-line before deadline. Please read carefully the registration guidelines below.

Publication Fee
1. Please be advised that the reason why fees for paper publication in each journal are adjusted upwards is to cover operating costs accruing
    in the evaluations process.
2. The English correction service fee is not included in the publication fee.
Journal Publication Fee Payment Deadline Publication Time
PSS SCI EUR 48 per page unsettled before Nov. 2014
JJAP SCI YEN 13,000 per page unsettled Volume 53, No 8 (Aug. 2014)
JEC SCI USD 30 per page unsettled Around Aug. 2014
JKPS SCI KRW 90,000 per page unsettled  
IJHE SCI Free   within 6 months after completion of review
TEEM Scopus Free   unsettled
※ Overseas registrants should pay a publication fee in US dollars applied to the latest exchange rate of each currency.
※ 내국인 등록자는 게재비용을 최신 환율이 적용된 원화로 지불하여야 합니다.
March 13, 2025 USD 0.00 EUR nan YEN nan
※ The amount was rounded off to the nearest whole number.
※ 소수점 이하는 반올림 하여 계산되었습니다.
1. Credit Card
VISA, Master, JCB cards are accepted. (AMEX card is NOT acceptable.) Participants wishing to make card payment can
    settle the payment via online.
Please use Internet Explorer Browser for paying your registration fee.
2. Bank Transfer
A direct bank transfer should be made to the account below.
A copy of receipt of the bank remittance and registration notice for journal publication should be sent to the Secretariat by e-mail.
Bank charges for remittance should be paid by registrants.
Please note that fee has to be transferred under the registrant's name and name must be stated on the receipt.
Bank Information (Overseas) Bank Information (Domestic)
Account Holder : The Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers (KIEEME)
Account Number : 186-02766-241-01
Bank : Citibank Korea Inc
Swift Code : CITIKRSX
Address of Bank : Science & Technolog Branch, The Korea Science & Technology Center, 22, 7gil, Teheran-ro Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-703, Korea
Address of Account Holder : Rm 807, The Korea Science & Technology Center, 22, 7gil, Teheran-ro Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-703, Korea
예금주 : 한국전기전자재료학회
계좌번호: 186-02766-241-01
은행 : 한국씨티은행
Registration Confirmation (Receipt)
An automatic confirmation email will be sent to you upon completion of registration.
계산서가 필요하신 분들은 계산서 신청 양식을 작성하신 후 사무국으로 (secretariat@icae.kr)제출해 주시기 바랍니다.